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Belmont, Massachusetts
Personal Training Experts Serving Belmont, MA

Established in 1996, Fitness Together Franchise Corporation has led the industry for one-on-one personal fitness training. Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone and tighten muscles or simply work toward better health, Fitness Together pairs you with a personal trainer in a private setting equipped with a workout plan tailored just for you.
The reason why we are able to help you achieve sustained fitness results is very simple. We provide a private, personal and complete approach. No shortcuts. No gimmicks.

30 Church Street - Belmont, MA - 02478

Friday, February 24, 2012

Move Over H2O! Drink Coconut Water for Exercise Recovery!

Move Over H20! Drink Coconut Water for Exercise Recovery

Your body needs water, particularly when you break a sweat. But you don’t need to sip from the tap to satisfy your hydration replenishment needs, especially if you’re looking for something tasty and nourishing.
Instead, look to coconut water for exercise recovery. Why? A few small studies by researchers in Malaysia suggest that coconut water can rehydrate the body a little better than plain water, reports the LA Times. Read on to find out more.
  • Why coconut water for exercise recovery?
  • Where does coconut water come from?
  • How is PHENOM™ different?

Why coconut water for exercise recovery?
 In about one hour of physical exercise, the body can lose up to 3 quarts of water through perspiration. Therefore, you can’t deny your body needs water after a workout, and coconut water is about 95% water. Plus, some research has found coconut water can rehydrate better than water.
How? Electrolytes in coconut water facilitate the body’s water uptake. And did you know coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood? Besides water, coconut water contains the following electrolytes:
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphate
It also has small amounts of essential amino acids. Because of its composition that helps replenish the minerals and electrolytes lost in sweat, coconut water has become a popular, natural alternative to sports drinks for exercise recovery.
In fact, compared to sports drinks coconut water contains:
  • More potassium (equivalent to about two bananas’ worth)
  • More chloride
  • Natural sugars, instead of altered sugars
However, the benefits of coconut water are nothing new; people who live where coconut palms grow have long-sipped coconut water.

Where does coconut water come from?
It’s name gives away its origin somewhat, but specifically, coconut water is the juice found in young, green coconuts. Coconut water differs from coconut milk in that it’s the liquid that comes straight out of a cracked coconut; coconut milk, on the other hand, is a thick liquid made by extracting high-fat, grated, mature coconut meat.
Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, native to Malaysia, Polynesia, and southern Asia. Because of the coconut’s ability to drift across the sea, coconut palms are also prolific in South America, India, the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, and Florida.
And while coconut water has been enjoyed for centuries by natives, a switch to PHENOM™ coconut water will prove beneficial.

How is PHENOM™ coconut water better for exercise recovery?
The #1 reasons consumers are reluctant to try coconut water is the belief that it will taste like coconut. In actuality, coconut water doesn’t taste like coconut at all, rather it has a refreshing, mildly sweet flavor, and doesn’t taste anything like coconut.
Still worried about the taste? The flavor experts at PepsiCo have come up with delicious, natural flavors that are part of the PHENOM™ coconut water line. Flavors include Pineapple Punch, Lemon Mojito, Orange Guava Passion, and others. Each variety is formulated with 100% natural coconut water.
The PHENOM™ line takes things further thanks to the nutrition experts from GNC. Previous studies conducted on other GNC products were analyzed to determine which key ingredients should be added to provide that extra exercise recovery “boost” – such as antioxidants, electrolytes, caffeine, and more – to carefully craft the most enhanced coconut water.
The 7 different varieties are in 4 distinct families to be tailored to your unique needs:
  1. PHENOM™ Hydro – simply pure, natural, and unflavored
  2. PHENOM™ Mega V (3 flavors) – contains electrolytes and multivitamins
  3. PHENOM™ Antiox – contains electrolytes, multivitamins, and Vitamin C
  4. PHENOM™ Energy (2 flavors) – contains electrolytes, multivitamins, and energizing ingredients
Next time you break a sweat, which PHENOM™ coconut water variety will you grab for exercise recovery?

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